Thursday, February 28, 2008

Smidgits kind words about Bloggers School

We wanted to join up with the Smidgits crew for the 2008 Burton US Open of snowboarding at Stratton Mountain March 17Th - 23rd. We will be posting event on Snowboarding School and Snowboarding Stories although they could not make it Kelly had the following kind words to say about me and Bloggers School. Kelly and his crew have been working hard to make good things happen and love to make people laugh keep up the good work guys. Glad i made it to Blog World Expo and got to meet you all. i had the best time and can not wait until next time to rip up the strip in Vegas

Hey John,

Thanks for the consideration. It looks like a blast. I would love to cover it. Unfortunately, March is bad for us because we're launching a new show. (ie: which I will be making a big announcing in a few weeks)In addition, we are opening a new office location in Las Vegas next week, and I think for the next few months I am grounded to town to makesure our new operations are going smoothly.

Defiantly keep us in the loop. I hope that we can do some more stuff together. Out of all the people we have met at BlogWorld you are one of the most considerate, and good natured guys we got to know. Keep up the good work. Stay in touch...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bruce does live reviews on Ustream

Bruce even mentions me John or Johnnygets i spoke at Podcamp City. We get into my blogs. You will find good knowlege from Bruce and he really like to help just like i do that what it's all about the more people you help the more you grow. He also review others site and will do so every week so if you want a review email Bruce at You can hear Bruce review me at the 12:45 mark until the 14:27 mark.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SEO tips from Bruce At Hot Web Ideas

This is a video that my friend Bruce has made to show you how to maximize SEO or Search engine optimazation. Bruce owns the Long Island Podcast Network, Hot Web Ideas and podcastwhoswho he also hosted the last Podcamp online last July 2007